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All the Other Types of Dermatitis

Trigg Hair Studio | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough North Beach Karinyup Sorrento | Stress | Impact | Hair and Scalp

All the Other Types of Dermatitis

Dermatitis a general term for skin inflammation. It leaves the skin looking puffy, swollen, dry and red from the inflammation.

There are several types of dermatitis and none of them are contagious.

Seborrheic Dermatitis can be found here

Atoptic Dermatitis (Eczema)

This is also known as eczema and is usually inherited and can develop when you’re young though can happen at any age. It’s a chronic (long lasting) condition and can be accompanied by hay fever or asthma. There is no cure though life style choices can assist with keeping it at bay.

Contact Dermatitis

This is caused by a product touching your skin that you are sensitive to. It can be made worse if you don’t have much of a natural protective layer on your skin because of natural dryness or over washing of your skin.

The two main forms are irritant and allergic though you can have both at the same time. Irritant is a reaction to something such as a chemical in solvents, detergents, cosmetics or cleaning products. Allegic is caused by the body having an immune reaction typically from plant saps, some medications or metals.

Phototoxic Dermatits

This is when contact with certain chemicals on your skin, comes in contact with sunlight or UV. This can happen with disinfectants, fragrances, insecticides, some sunscreens or coal tar products. It can also happen with some plants. The skin can blister and go very red.

How do you fix this? Find the offending product and stop using and/or stay out of direct exposure to sun and UV.

Stasis Dermatitis

 This is due to your body having poor circulation, usually in the lower part of your body, your hands and feet. 

What are some common triggers for dermatitis?

  • Hormonal changes
  • Irritating substances
  • Stress
  • Your environment

Treatment for dermatitis

If there is suspicion its an allergic reaction, you need to find out what’s causing the dermatitis. You can have a skin scratch test done at the dermatologist to find out for sure.

You can also stop using one product at a time for 4-6 weeks to see if the issue goes away. Eventually you will work out which thing you’re using that’s causing the issue.

However, if you want to find out for sure what it is, the skin scratch test is the way to go. This means you can look at the ingredient in any product you wish to purchase in the future.

An antihistamine could also help relieve the symptoms or a mild steroid cream from the chemist or doctor.

You could also have a food allergy so giving up one food for a 4-6 week period to see if it clears up could help. The life cycle of skin is 28 days so this gives it a chance to heal. The best thing to eliminate first is dairy and if it’s not that go for gluten next. I know this sucks but it’s not forever, just 6 weeks to be sure.

Use mild cleansers on your skin. Heavily perfumed products or drying soaps can leave the skin more exposed than is necessary.

Lastly, be careful not to scratch it with your finger tips. Bacteria is usually under your finger nails and you can make the condition worse. It you tear the skin and put bacteria in the tear you can get a bacterial infection as well. If you need to scratch, use the ball of your fingers so you don’t break the skin.


If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp assistance, all the details to make a booking can be found here.

Protect Your Hair Through Winter in Perth

Protect Your Hair Through Winter in Perth

Protect your hair in winter in Perth | Trigg Hair Studio | Trigg | Scarborough | Sorrento | North Beach | Scarborough | Carine | Karinyup | Duncraig

Winter is coming! How can you protect your hair through Winter in Perth?

When it comes to hair health, prevention is key. You can replace lost moisture in hair but you can’t usually fix damage.

What’s the difference you ask?

Hair is made up of two main things that you need to worry about, moisture and strength.

Moisture is kinda obvious right? Keep your hair well looked after with the right techniques and great products and this should sort out moisture.

This is where we always advise what we refer to as the foundation products. Foundation products are what you NEED for your hair. A good quality shampoo, conditioner AND a leave in conditioner or hair moisturiser (they’re the same thing, just different names).

Strength is different, although completely linked with moisture for hair health. You have to look after both aspects.

Strength is how strong your hair is, how are the bonds in your hair holding up to all that you throw at it? Things that affect the strength of your hair are over use of hot tools and too much colouring leading to sensitisation.

OK now that you understand the basics, let’s get back to the question at hand…

How can you protect your hair through Winter in Perth?

Concentrate during the cooler months on moisture. If you can keep that under control, then you should have fabulous hair ready for next summer.

Here’s some steps to help you through

  • Cool your shower slightly just for the hair part, then turn it back up and sear your skin till you’re pink!
  • Treat your hair once every 1-2 weeks depending on how frequently you shampoo your hair
  • Try and cut down on hot tool use, every time you don’t pick them up, your hair will thank you.
  • Great foundation products, shampoo, conditioner and leave in moisturiser/conditioner
  • Get regular trims even if you’re growing it, 6-10 week between visits, max!

Good luck and remember that your hair is the piece of clothing you never take off!

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love and protect your hair through Winter in Perth then we would be delighted to see you. We’d be happy to talk through you hairs current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Booking link here

Can I Lose My Hair Due to Stress

Can I Lose My Hair Due To Stress?

Can I lose my hair due to stress | Hairdresser Trigg | Scarborough | North Beach | Carine | Duncraig | Sorrento

Yes, you can lose your hair due to stress! Its completely unfair but entirely possible.

Let’s start with a basic lesson on the lifecycle of the hair on your scalp.

There are 3 main stages:

Firstly, the growing stage which is usually somewhere between 4-7 years. That’s right, not everyone is capable of growing their hair as long as they like.

Secondly, the resting stage. Once it’s reached the end of its growth, your hair stops growing and sits there waiting for a new one to grow beneath it.

Thirdly the falling out stage. Once that new hair grows it will push out the old one and the cycle begins all over again.

Ok, now you know the answer to ‘can I lose my hair due to stress’, let’s get to why your hair can fall out from stress.

Sometimes when we have a big stress on our bodies, either mental or physical, a bunch of our hair can go into the second stage prematurely. This stress response from our bodies is called telogen effluvium.

The sneaky thing about telogen effluvium is that it won’t usually fall our straight away. Normally you will experience the loss 2-3 months after the stress even happened. This can make it confusing when you’re no longer stressed and your hair is coming out.

On average we lose 100-150 hairs a day, when this happens, you don’t even notice. With telogen effluvium this amount increases from a little to a lot.

So, what can we do about it?

If the stress is something you can plan for such as knowing you’ll be going in for an operation or knowing your about to have a huge work load, supplements can help.

In times of stress your body goes through lots of vitamins and minerals much quicker and this can affect your hair loss. Cortisol, the stress hormone particularly loves stripping you of vitamin B for example. taking a supplement can really assist you.

If the stress comes out of the blue such as an emergency or unplanned injury, start taking supplements as soon as you can. It’s not as good as having a build-up already in your system but if your body is getting all it needs, it can recover faster.

Then of course we can look at our mindfulness. Meditation, taking time for yourself, sleeping well, eating a well-balanced diet, drinking less alcohol and caffeine, just to name a few. You know all of this of course but sometimes it’s easier said than done right!

Keep in mind, the best thing about your body is that it will sort itself out. Sadly, hair is slow growing so it can take a year or more. Feel grateful to your body because its looking after all the thing you can see, your organs that keep you alive.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love then we are always be delighted to hear from you. We’d be happy to talk through your hairs current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Booking link here

Sustainable Hairdressing

Sustainable Hairdressing

Trigg Hair Studio | Sustainable Hairdressing | Scarborough | Karinyup | North Beach | Sorrento | Carine | Duncraig

Sustainable Hairdressing

Sustainable hairdressing can be done! You’ll be comfortable coming to Trigg Hair Studio knowing you’re helping to protect your planet and your futures, with small and big changes.

Sustainable hairdressing begins with the product companies chosen for use in salon. Both Davines and Pure Hair care are B Corp and have zero carbon omissions. The products they use break down in the water quickly. This is an important step not all brands can attest to. It also means your doing your part for your planet and looking smoking hot!

Once you’re in the salon you can have a coffee knowing that the pods are biodegradable.

The wrappers from the refreshments you can choose from, get recycled every time. The plastic recycling doesn’t only include some of the plastic, its all of it.

At Trigg Hair Studio we have partnered with a company called Sustainable Salons. They help us to reuse and recycle approximately 95% of all salon waste. The 5% left behind is organic and composable waste that will break down quickly by its self.

Foil used on you in salon, gets sold to metal scrap yards. The profits are donated to Oz Harvest. That means you’re helping to feed the homeless with every foil!

Any of your left over chemical waste gets neutralised, turned into water and used on roads for construction.

What happens to your hair you ask? Well if its over 20cms long, you can donate it for use in wigs. This helps both Alopecia and cancer sufferers. Any shorter pieces are collected and used to collect oil spills on our precious oceans.

If you have any more ideas of what we could do to help our planet, please feel free to share them all with us.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. We’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

How To Create The Perfect Curl

How To Create The Perfect Curl

Trigg Hair Studio | How to do the perfect curl || Hairdresser Trigg | Scarborough | Karinyuo | North Beach | Watermans Bay | Sorrento | Carine | Duncraig

We want to help YOU create the perfect curl!

We get it, it looks so easy when the professionals do it right! Well we’d hope so, we’ve spent years making it look this way!

First things first, its best to try the following techniques with the hot tool turned off first. This way you can have a play and get used to the feeling without burning your hair unnecessarily.

There are many options to create a curl/wave from a hot tool. You can choose from curling irons, flat irons and many other conical shapes. The basic principals are the same.

You need to think about the direction the curl/wave is going in. Glamour curls/waves are typically all the the same direction and a more playful  or textured wave mixes it up a little.

Lets start with the glamour wave

To create a more polished curl/wave, you’re going to direct the hot tool in the same direction going away from the face and meeting in the middle at the back of your head. This will allow the curls to fall into each other and will give you the polished result you’re after.

Secondly the textured wave/curl

To create a more textured or playful curl/wave, you’re going to change the direction of the hair for each section. This prevents the hair from falling in together and therefore creates the ‘textured’ look you’re after.

Texture and glamour curl

You can combine these two textures together by directing the curls in the same direction, away from the face but leaving the ends out for a less structured finish.

Quick tips to make your curls/waves:

  • Don’t wash your hair right before you curl it. Depending on your hair type you should wash the night before or even 2-3 day after for best results. This is because a little of your natural oils will help the curl to retain in your hair.
  • Always use a great quality heat protector to help minimise the damage to your hair. These tools typically run between 180-230 degrees, the damage builds up over time so do your best to protect it.
  • Prepare the hair with a good quality mousse, this can be applied wet or dry or both.
  • Good quality hairspray and texture dust is a great way to finish the result and helps the style to stay for longer.

We can assist you with high quality products to help you, it does make a huge difference working with the best products possible.

The last thing is super important. Be sure to use the best quality hot tools you can. The better brands have special coatings often ceramic or from gemstones. This greatly assists in keeping your hair from getting as damaged. That being said try to keep use to a minimum as every time is doing at least a a small amount of damage.

If you’d like to book yourself a styling lesson in salon, below is the link to book


If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. We’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

You Want Your Hair To Grow

Sam Macdonlad Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough Double View City Beach Wembley Downs North Beach Karinyup Carine Duncraid Sorrento | You Want Your Hair To Grow

Well you need to cut it…

So many times I hear people tell me that they simply not cutting their hair so it will grow.

Now I do get the logic however there is something you’re not realising that plays a major part when growing your hair.

The ends of your hair put up with so much, colouring, hot tools, UV exposure and Chlorine to name a few. What happens to your hair while all this is being done to it? Basically those ends fray and eventually split.

We want to make sure we give it a small trim before we even get to the fraying bit. Once this starts it will actually fray faster than your hair can grow, therefore being the total opposite of what you wanted, shorter and ‘chewed’ looking on the ends. No one wants that!

Now my rule of thumb for this regular cut is dependent on exactly what your hair has to deal with from your lifestyle, as well as the type of hair you have to begin with.

If you have amazing quality hair that you treat very well, you may be able to get to 10 weeks. Your haircut will lose its shape by then but it shouldn’t be split.

What about the other end of the spectrum though? What about those of us that have a finer hair quality and use hot tools and colour regulary?

My guidelines here would be 5-6 weeks max. If you have what I like to call a ‘micro trim’ regularly your hair will grow much faster than if you don’t.

For all my guests I recommend trims every 5-10 weeks depending on what I have mentioned above.

As always if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Education is my thing and I love simplifying

all this hair stuff for you.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Is It Possible To Overwash Your Hair

Is It Possible To Overwash Your Hair

Sam Macdonlad Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough Double View City Beach Wembley Downs North Beach Karinyup Carine Duncraid Sorrento | Is It Possible To Overwash Your Hair

Yes it is possible to over wash your hair.

Imagine your hair is a beautiful silk scarf. Hair is scientifically very similar to hair so its a good example.

If you washed that scarf everyday for 365 days, how would it look? Faded, dry, most of its shine gone and even a bit thinner than when it was new?

Its exactly the same with hair as hair should be considered a fabric and treated accordingly.

It does make a difference what you’re washing your hair with of course but even the top of the range shampoos and conditioners will have an effect over time.

Some options are:

– simply don’t wash as much, oily haired people you can get great dry shampoos these days.

– make sure to use a leave in conditioner of some kind to replace lost moisture in the ends of your hair. A good shampoo and conditioner just aren’t enough.

– try co-washing, (I did post on the 6/6/19 if you’d like to know more about this).

– do weekly treatments that are right for your specific hair type, your hairdresser can help you with this or you can ask me.

On top of all of this, the constant removal of all the oil on your scalp results in your hair either feeling stripped for dryer hair types or getting oilier for oily hair types.

If you would like any further information and have questions please don’t hesitate to ask. I love educating people so you’ll be doing me a favor as well.?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Co-washing, What Is It

Co-Washing What Is It

Sam Macdonlad Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough Double View City Beach Wembley Downs North Beach Karinyup Carine Duncraid Sorrento | Co-washing What Is It

Co-washing is short for conditioner washing, does that clear it up? What do you mean no? ?

Its actually super simple, instead of shampooing your hair first and then conditioning it, you just use conditioner as if its shampoo.

Whey would we do this you ask?

Like a lot of learned human habits, shampooing the hair is not actually necessary to clean your hair and scalp. In fact you are removing a protective layer that your body is intentionally making.

The oil that your scalp produces, (named sebum), is produced to protect your skin from sun and UV. Removing it is a little counter productive whether you have an oily scalp or a dry one.

That being said we do need to cleanse our scalp to remove dead skin cells, that’s why we still need a process.

To co-wash your hair all you need to do is:

– wet your hair thoroughly as usual in the shower

– take out the excess moisture with your hands

– using a good quality conditioner scrub your scalp as if you’re shampooing it

– rinse thoroughly

That’s it, done faster than a normal wash using less products.

It will take a little time for your scalp to adjust, its been getting used to shampoo for your whole life. Dryer hair types come good a lot quicker than oily hair types.

The benefits:

– Your colour will fade at a slower pace

– If your prone to scalp/skin issues, this can fix it as your allowing your body to sort itself out rather than using a detergent, (essentially what shampoo is), to cleanse

– You’re going to save money as you only need a conditioner. No excuses now not to use a good one!

– For dryer hair types the small amount on natural oil you have won’t be washed away, it will ends up making your hair more manageable and shiny.

– For oilier hair types, once your body adjusts the production of oil will slow giving you longer between washes and not getting oily on the same day you’ve washed it.

I’m not gonna lie, when I did this with my oily hair it took 2 months of horrible hair till my body worked out what was going on. Now though I don’t get oily on the same day as washing which used to drive me crazy and lead to excessive dry shampoo use.

As always if you have any questions I’m here for them.

I heard a great quote today which is the only stupid question is the unasked one.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.



Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Tigg Scarborough Dauncraig Karinyup |scarborough Sorrento Follicles

Ever wondered about your follicles?

I thought so, here is all the information you need to be enlightened!

Humans are born with all of their hair follicles and there is no possible way to increase the number of follicles you have. More follicles would equal more hair but you’re stuck with what you have.

Interestingly though some people have more hair coming out of these follicles. People with super thick hair often have 4 thick hairs coming out of each follicle, (technical name is terminal hair). As well as these you could have 2-3 baby hairs coming out of the same follicle, (named vellus hairs).

People with fine hair like me will only have 1-2 terminal hairs and 1-2 vellus hairs coming out of each follicle.

As your hair thins with age your terminal hair number can reduce and the terminal hairs can turn into vellus hairs. A good example of this is when you see a man who’s bald but still has soft fine hairs in that, ‘bald’, area.

The best things to keep these follicles producing the best that they can is to look after your body and treat it kindly. Give it good food, great vitamins and keep that stress at bay. Good luck with that last one…

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Put Your Hands Up If You Want Thicker Hair

Put Your Hands Up If You Want Thicker Hair

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough Karinyup Carine Duncraig Noth Beach Hands Up If You Want Thicker Hair

For those of us who are a little lacking in the hair department, (that would be me), who has ever wished they could have hair more like this beautiful girl eating a flower.

How many different products or gimmicks have you tried to see if you can change the hair you were born with?

Sadly, we can’t create more actual hair on our heads. We can however, make the most of what we have. There are two main parts to this.

Firstly, we have to make sure we get the right nutrients and lead a good lifestyle will give our bodies a chance to make the best hair we can have.

I’ve covered this in more detail in previous posts so I if you’d like more information please feel free to go back and have a look.

So that’s got the body covered to create the best hair it can. Once its out of your head there are things we can do to make it fuller and have more volume.

– A bodifying shampoo and conditioner to help create body

– Styling products especially for your hair, things that are great for fine hair are texturizing dust, mousse and styling sprays.

– Learning how to properly blow-dry and style your hair. YouTube has heaps of tutorials or you could book a blow-drying lesson with me.

– Hair extensions can be used to create more volume.

– Hot rollers, teasing and a good hair spray. Yes, it sound old fashioned but it can do the trick!

The big key here is to educate yourself on the options. Next time you’re at the hairdresser don’t be scared to ask for tips. Look up from the magazine or your phone to see what your hairdresser is doing and maybe you’ll pick up some tips…

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.