Selenium And Your Hair

Selenium And Your Hair

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough North Beach Sorrento Karrinyup Wembley Downs Doubleview | Selenium And Your Hair | Hair Health

You may not think selenium is as important for your hair and your health as some vitamins because you only need such a small amount. It is however super important and also not found in proper amounts in Australian soils. What does this mean?  Simply that its hard to get enough from the average diet.

So what’s it good for?

With hair in particular it is important because it assists in the bodies production of Keratin. Keratin is the protein your hair and skin is made up of. Without Selenium it may not be as strong and resistant to damage.

This mineral is important for thyroid as it needs a higher level of selenium than any other organ in your body. A common side effect of thyroid issues is hair loss.

Selenium has been linked to helping prevent heart disease which is a massive problem in Australia. Selenium reduces inflammation which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. It also lowers oxidative stress in the body.

Selenium helps to boost your immune system by lowering inflammation, can help with asthma symptoms and helps prevent mental decline.

It does all this and more, so you can see why it’s important not only for hair health but also for your entire body.

Some place to find selenium naturally are:

– oysters (yuk ?)

– Brazil nuts that aren’t grown in Australia

– yellow fin tuna

– eggs

– sunflower seeds

– shiitake mushrooms

One word of warning with Selenium though, you CAN have too much and that’s bad too. We only need a small amount and too much can lead to other issues. However the chance of too much in Australia unless you eat a lot of imported ingredients is unlikely as our soils are deficient of it.

As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.