Tag Archives: HairdresserDuncraig

How To Create The Perfect Curl

How To Create The Perfect Curl

Trigg Hair Studio | How to do the perfect curl || Hairdresser Trigg | Scarborough | Karinyuo | North Beach | Watermans Bay | Sorrento | Carine | Duncraig

We want to help YOU create the perfect curl!

We get it, it looks so easy when the professionals do it right! Well we’d hope so, we’ve spent years making it look this way!

First things first, its best to try the following techniques with the hot tool turned off first. This way you can have a play and get used to the feeling without burning your hair unnecessarily.

There are many options to create a curl/wave from a hot tool. You can choose from curling irons, flat irons and many other conical shapes. The basic principals are the same.

You need to think about the direction the curl/wave is going in. Glamour curls/waves are typically all the the same direction and a more playful  or textured wave mixes it up a little.

Lets start with the glamour wave

To create a more polished curl/wave, you’re going to direct the hot tool in the same direction going away from the face and meeting in the middle at the back of your head. This will allow the curls to fall into each other and will give you the polished result you’re after.

Secondly the textured wave/curl

To create a more textured or playful curl/wave, you’re going to change the direction of the hair for each section. This prevents the hair from falling in together and therefore creates the ‘textured’ look you’re after.

Texture and glamour curl

You can combine these two textures together by directing the curls in the same direction, away from the face but leaving the ends out for a less structured finish.

Quick tips to make your curls/waves:

  • Don’t wash your hair right before you curl it. Depending on your hair type you should wash the night before or even 2-3 day after for best results. This is because a little of your natural oils will help the curl to retain in your hair.
  • Always use a great quality heat protector to help minimise the damage to your hair. These tools typically run between 180-230 degrees, the damage builds up over time so do your best to protect it.
  • Prepare the hair with a good quality mousse, this can be applied wet or dry or both.
  • Good quality hairspray and texture dust is a great way to finish the result and helps the style to stay for longer.

We can assist you with high quality products to help you, it does make a huge difference working with the best products possible.

The last thing is super important. Be sure to use the best quality hot tools you can. The better brands have special coatings often ceramic or from gemstones. This greatly assists in keeping your hair from getting as damaged. That being said try to keep use to a minimum as every time is doing at least a a small amount of damage.

If you’d like to book yourself a styling lesson in salon, below is the link to book



If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. We’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Is There A Way To Save Water With Shampoo Choice?

Is There A Way To Save Water With Shampoo Choice

Sam Macdonlad Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough Double View City Beach Wembley Downs North Beach Karinyup Carine Duncraid Sorrento | Is There A Way To Save Water With Shampoo Choice

Is there a way to save water with shampoo choice? Well it wouldn’t be much of a post if the answer was no would it… ?

You’ve been given shampoo products for years that foam up. Now you feel like if it doesn’t foam well, its not doing its job. What you may not realise is that sulphates are that thing that gives you all the foam.

Sure foam makes you think your hair is clean but it also takes a lot of rinsing to remove it from the hair.

You’ve surely heard by now of sulphate free shampoos and most of you would prefer to use them. Sulphates are linked to allergic reactions in some people. In an age where we are becoming more allergic it makes sense to not use unnecessary irritants.

The great thing about sulphate free shampoos is that because they foam less, they rinse more easily and quickly from your hair.

There you have it, yes there is a way to save shampoo with buying choice. ?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Selenium And Your Hair

Selenium And Your Hair

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough North Beach Sorrento Karrinyup Wembley Downs Doubleview | Selenium And Your Hair | Hair Health

You may not think selenium is as important for your hair and your health as some vitamins because you only need such a small amount. It is however super important and also not found in proper amounts in Australian soils. What does this mean?  Simply that its hard to get enough from the average diet.

So what’s it good for?

With hair in particular it is important because it assists in the bodies production of Keratin. Keratin is the protein your hair and skin is made up of. Without Selenium it may not be as strong and resistant to damage.

This mineral is important for thyroid as it needs a higher level of selenium than any other organ in your body. A common side effect of thyroid issues is hair loss.

Selenium has been linked to helping prevent heart disease which is a massive problem in Australia. Selenium reduces inflammation which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. It also lowers oxidative stress in the body.

Selenium helps to boost your immune system by lowering inflammation, can help with asthma symptoms and helps prevent mental decline.

It does all this and more, so you can see why it’s important not only for hair health but also for your entire body.

Some place to find selenium naturally are:

– oysters (yuk ?)

– Brazil nuts that aren’t grown in Australia

– yellow fin tuna

– eggs

– sunflower seeds

– shiitake mushrooms

One word of warning with Selenium though, you CAN have too much and that’s bad too. We only need a small amount and too much can lead to other issues. However the chance of too much in Australia unless you eat a lot of imported ingredients is unlikely as our soils are deficient of it.

As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Females Pattern Bladness

Female Pattern Baldness

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg North Beach Sorrento Karinyup Carine Duncraig Scarborough | Female Pattern Baldness

Fun Fact! 40% of women have female pattern baldness, (hair loss), by the time they go through menopause.

Here we were thinking it was just the blokes that had to endure this. In fact, most men who will go bald will notice it starting in their 20’s. At least us women can add a couple more decades on…

Some things that can affect hair loss are lack of required minerals in our bodies, stress or shock. In all honesty we can’t always stop this happening but we can slow it down and, in some cases, stop it completely.

First things first, lifestyle.

If you are not getting all the vitamins and minerals you need, your hair will suffer. Actually, your whole body will suffer but your hair will show it first.

Your body is super intelligent and it will use any minerals and vitamins for the essential parts of your body first. You guessed it; hair is last on that list.

Secondly become aware of stress in your body and try to deal with it in a way that’s suits your lifestyle. For most of exercise is a great way to release stress.

It’s not always easy to remove stress completely these days but being aware of it can really help. For example, notice when you’re tensing up and become more mindful of releasing it.

Shock is a hard one as its often unexpected. Sometimes we can know we’ll be having a shock, in the form of something coming up like an operation which is a shock on the body.

You can lose hair a couple of months after a shock so if you know this is coming you can take supplements to reduce its impact on the body.

Unfortunately sometimes it’s just part of your life cycle and its normal to experience some thinning.

You can change your part frequently to stop your part line scalp getting too much UV. Sunlight can speed up hair loss in the part area so this is an easy fix.

As always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Whats A Toner Anyway?

What’s A Toner Anyway

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough North Beach Sorrento Karinyup Carine Duncraig City Beach Wembley Downs | Hairdresser

A toner is used in typically used in two ways on blonded level hair.

1. To counteract unwanted colour. For example if your hair is brassy, we can neutralise it.

2. To change the shade of the blonde in a playful way, we might want to put pastel tones in, or a soft gold or beige. There are way too many options to write down here but you get the idea.

Typically I try not to use a toner to counteract unwanted colour. Toners typically only last between 1 and 15 washes, depending what product you have used and more importantly, the condition of your hair.

I prefer to try and get the tone right without the toner, so your colour will look good between visits. Then when we put the toner on at the end, its makes it look AMAZING!

In the salon I offer a range of toning options.

We start out by doing one on your colour visit to start you off looking the best you can. Then ideally you take a home toning option, to keep it looking great as the salon toner slowly eases out of your hair.

If you prefer to come back in between visits, we can re-tone for you. I even have some incredible treatments in the salon now, where I can customise the tone within the treatment service.

If you have any toning questions please just ask me.

Educating you guys is what I love to do!

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love, I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.