Whats Your Hair Made From?

Whats Your Hair Made From?

Sam Macdonald Hair | Trigg North Beach Sprrento Scarborough Wembley Downs Karinyup CArine Duncraig | Whats You Hair Made Of | Hairdresser

Whats your hair made from?

A protein called Keratin.

Keratin is the same protein that we find in our outer layer of skin, AKA the epidermis, and our fingernails.

The difference is that your hair and nails is a hard version and you skin a soft one.

Keratin in your body is there to help protect you. In your skin it protects you from UV, infection and keeps you water proof.

The hard version of Keratin is your hair, its for added protection on the top of your body which cops a lot more direct sun and UV.

Keratin is extremely insoluble in water and organic solvents which makes sense. You don’t want to melt when you have a shower!

Maybe surprisingly to you that its also what constitutes animal’s hooves, claws, scales and feathers.

Just some examples of this are tortoise and turtle shells, bird beaks and horse hooves.

Who knew that we have so much in common with our animal friends?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.