Tag Archives: Hairdresser North Beach

Vitamin B And The Importance For Hair And Scalp

Vitamin B And The Importance For Hair And Scalp

Sam Macdonald Hair | Trigg Scarborough North Beach Wembley Downs Karinyup Carine Duncraig | Vitamin B And The Importance For Hair And Scalp

We all know we need a multitude of B vitamins for a healthy head of hair but what are they and where can we get them?

B2 (riboflavin)

This super star is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals. Found in almonds, Pork, Lamb Beef, Eggs and oily fish.


Essential to the metabolism of protein, (hair is protein).
Found in organ meats, lentils, nuts, cereals and soy products.

B7 (biotin)

This guy helps the body use fats, amino acids and carbs more effectively which boosts hair growth. You’ll find it in egg yolks, organ meats, peanuts and walnuts.

B9 (folic acid)

We need this for the production of DNA which supports rapid growth of all cell and tissues including hair. You’ll find it in spinach, asparagus, avocado, salmon, lima beans, beets and turnips.


Vitamin B12 helps transport oxygen and nutrients to your hair. A lack of oxygen is believed to be a key contributor to hair loss. You’ll find it in clams, oysters, beef, turkey, chicken, crab, salmon and eggs.

You can eat the food above to make sure you are getting all of the B vitamins you need or if you think your diet may be lacking a supplement could help.
Activated B vitamin will absorb into the body quickly as its already active and your body doesn’t need to process it as much.

In salon I have small range of high quality supplements which will make sure you get everything you need that’s listed above and more.

Please ask me for more information on the Apotecari supplements.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Is Your Hair Getting All The Nutrients It Needs?

Is Your Hair Getting All The Nutrients It Needs

Sam Macdonald hair | Hairdresser Trigg | Is You Hair Getting All The Nutrients It Needs

How can we tell if our hair is getting all the nutrients it needs to be the very best head of hair the you can have?

Well there are a few symptoms that could be showing up just by taking notice of you hair and scalp.

Stressful lifestyle:

I know, I know, we’re all stressed out at least a little. It is in fact possible to reduce stress just by being aware of it. You can tune into your body and when you feel it start to grow just stop what you’re doing for 60 seconds, concentrate on breathing slowly, do some stretching or just stare gently at something beautiful.

Did you know that your body uses up more vitamin B when your stressed out? An extra supplement of Vitamin B could really help you and if its an activated one, your body will absorb it nice and quickly.

Thinning hair or even bald patches:

Thinning hair can simply be a sign of age and embedded in your DNA, however it doesn’t mean that you can’t slow the process down. There is strong evidence that lifestyle can impact on this process which can indicate your body isn’t getting everything it needs.

Thinking you can get every single thing your body needs from food may not be correct as our soils don’t contain what they used to. Did you know that in Australia there is no selenium in the soil and extremely low zinc? Zinc is super important for hair and scalp.

As for small patches of hair not being there anymore, this could be alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness. This could be linked to stress and again you may need extra supplements to help get through this quicker.

Slow hair growth:

If you have noticed your hair growth has slowed down, this could be an indication of unrest in your body. Hair growth does vary from person to person but if you notice a change a supplement could help and failing that going to your health professional for more advice.

If this could be you then please don’t hesitate to contact me so we can have a look together and see what we can do to hlep.

In salon I have an amazing range of supplements for hair and scalp called Apotecari to help you get the best hair and scalp you can possibly have. I also do Trichology services in the salon so we can get to the root of the problem once and for all.

You can rest assured I can help you. Hooray!

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Scalp Analysis

Scalp Analysis

Sam Macdonald Hair | Scalp Analysis | Hairdresser Scarborough Trigg North Beach Sorrento Trigg Karinyup Carine Duncraig

You may or may not know that I not only do hair in the salon. I can also help you with any scalp conditions you may have.

I do this a few ways.

Firstly, I can look up close with my trichoscope, (microscope for the hair and scalp). With the use of the Trichoscope, can see what’s really go on at scalp level. A lot of the detail is lost when only looking with the naked eye. We often assume we simply have dandruff when it could be a number of things.

Secondly, I can talk to you about what’s happening in your life that is contributing so you have the power to do something yourself. Things like stress, diet and exercise all play a part here.

Thirdly, I can show you products that are not medical but rather using natural ingredients to try and allow your body to heal itself. I’m not personally a great believer in medications for scalp conditions, at least not at the beginning of the journey of healing your scalp. Sure, if we can’t fix it naturally then that’s the next step but often it’s something we can handle without the medications.

Things I can show you are alternatives to use on your hair to help alleviate the problems. I also have a range of supplements especially for scalp conditions if we think your diet may be lacking.

In a nut shell I’m your first port of call.

9 times out of 10 we can fix these issues or at least get them under control as not all scalp issues can be fixed for good sadly.

A scalp consultation is presently only $30 so what do you have to lose?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Vitamin C And Your Hair

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg | Scarborough | Karinyup | North Beach | Sorrento | Duncraig | Hair health | Vitamin C | Hair

Vitamin C And Your Hair

We all know that vitamin C is good for us but did you ever consider its impact on your hair?

I think most of has heard at some point of the role vitamin C can play in skin health and guess what there’s skin on your head under all that hair!

We’ve all heard me say this a million times  by now, healthy scalp leads to healthy hair…

Did I hear someone say something about a broken record?

As well as helping your skin/scalp vitamin C does also helps the hair itself.  This is due to the fabulous antioxidants that the vitamin C contains.

In a super simplified version, (there is so much more to antioxidants than this but that’s for another time and perhaps a Naturopath to explain), antioxidants help to counteract free radicals which are the ones we don’t want because they can dehydrate the hair.

Taking a supplement is one option but also vitamin C is in so many foods and drinks that you probably already love and enjoy. For example Gin & tonic, (don’t forget the lemon), mojitos or strawberry daiquiris, just to name a few!

I guess like with most things in life the fresher and more varied your diet, the more vitamins and minerals you’ll get.

Vitamin C is in so many foods, citrus of course but did you know that cauliflower and brussel sprouts have plenty too?

I personally put a whole lemon from my local framers markets in my green smoothie every day, pips and all.  I have heard that pips from fruit can help with menopause hot flushes and even though I’m not quite there yet, there’s no harm dosing up for a possible future right?

Pips are full of polyphenols which are fabulous for gut health anyway so get munching people!

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Whats Your Hair Made From?

Whats Your Hair Made From?

Sam Macdonald Hair | Trigg North Beach Sprrento Scarborough Wembley Downs Karinyup CArine Duncraig | Whats You Hair Made Of | Hairdresser

Whats your hair made from?

A protein called Keratin.

Keratin is the same protein that we find in our outer layer of skin, AKA the epidermis, and our fingernails.

The difference is that your hair and nails is a hard version and you skin a soft one.

Keratin in your body is there to help protect you. In your skin it protects you from UV, infection and keeps you water proof.

The hard version of Keratin is your hair, its for added protection on the top of your body which cops a lot more direct sun and UV.

Keratin is extremely insoluble in water and organic solvents which makes sense. You don’t want to melt when you have a shower!

Maybe surprisingly to you that its also what constitutes animal’s hooves, claws, scales and feathers.

Just some examples of this are tortoise and turtle shells, bird beaks and horse hooves.

Who knew that we have so much in common with our animal friends?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Your Hair Can Reveal A Lot About You

Your Hair Can Reveal A Lot About You

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough |North Beach | Duncraig | Carine | Karinyup | Sorrento

Did you know that your hair can reveal a lot about you?

It can be tested to reveal a lot about what you have been getting up to. Things like the nutrients in your body, and even drug taking.

Hair contains information about everything that has ever been in your bloodstream, including drugs. It’s one of the most commonly used types of forensic evidence.

The kinds of drugs they can test for are, cocaine, marijuana, opiates (heroin, codeine, Oxycontin plus more), methamphetamine, ecstasy as well as a few more not listed here.

It also contains evidence of nutrients in your body, as well as toxic metals and trace elements.

This can be really helpful in regards to your health. It can help with finding out if you have too much of something in your body, or perhaps not enough.

Blood and urine testing can be done to find out some of these things. The thing is though, that most of this evidence leaves your body within 3 days. Testing your hair can hold this information for up to 90 days. Have you ever noticed how some criminals shave their heads all the time? Now you know why, well one possible reason anyway!

Hair Mineral Analysis, HMA, is something you can do for yourself if you want to know how your body is going.

It tests 16 nutrient levels, 8 toxic metals (you want none of those by the way), and 14 trace elements.

Nutritional elements are minerals our bodies need to be healthy and strong. We want to have just the right amount of these. Too much or too little, could lead to health issues.

Nutritional elements include: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, Boron, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Sulphur, Lithium, Zinc and Copper.

Toxic elements are the things we want as little as possible and include: Antimony, Uranium, Arsenic, Beryllium, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead and Aluminium.

Trace elements are things we require but only need small amounts of. Germanium, Barium, Bismuth, Rubidium, Lithium, Nickel, Platinum, Thallium, Vanadium, Strontium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten and Zirconium.

HMA is something I can organise for you if you’re ever interested though can also be done through your health care professional.

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

My Year Off Part Three Taking Up Meditation

My Year Off Part Three – Taking Up Meditation

Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Scarborough North Beach Sorrento Karinyup Carine Duncraig Meditation

So not really giving something up is it?

However in a year of giving something up every month, if I’m honest I don’t have 12 bad habits.

I had to come up with something else that would be a positive change.  Maybe I should call it my year of a positive change every month. Nah, doesn’t have the same ring to it…

I did put this one out to you guys, as a choice between meditating and giving up those tasty morsels of goodness that we call chips, that I serve in the salon along side the wine.

You made it easy for me, because those chips would have been waaaaay harder to stop.

I did question if there was a hidden message from you all telling me I needed to relax a bit. Hey if that was it, you were right! ?

So how did I go?

Loved it, every day I loved it.

There were 2 nights I got home late and realised I hadn’t done it yet. I tried to do it in bed before I went to sleep, but you guessed it, I feel asleep.

When this happened, I made it up by doing 20mins the next day. Actually by the end I was doing 20minutes by choice, as I find it takes me 10mins to slow down enough to really get the good bit out of it.

My physio has taught me how to breath into my stomach, so I did all my meditation with this technique.

I would start by concentrating on each part of my body until I felt heat in it and then move on till the whole body was done.

After this with the remaining time, I just concentrated on my breathing.

I have shared this with a few of my guests throughout the month and a lot of you have said they just can’t mediate. The common issue is not being able to stop thinking and then getting a bit frustrated with it.

For me, I was not this hard in myself. Some days were easier than others, to actually slow down my brain. I figure just the fact of stopping and breathing slowly for this long, is a vast improvement in what I usually be doing!

Am I going to continue with this?


It literally makes everything better and I really do feel less stressed.

Oh and by the way, I thought I’d surprise you and give up the chips as well.

I didn’t succeed… ☹️

I seriously think that will be the hardest month of the year when it comes.

What to give up next month?

Well I’m on holidays so the first thought I had was giving up moderation. Can you imagine what a mess I’d be at the end of that!

I’m giving up complaining. Both internally and externally. I’m not expecting a 100% result here. What I do expect is a new awareness of how much I actually whinge and complain.

At least my husband will have a better holiday!

Wish me good luck. ?


If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

Sulfates In Hair Products

Sulfates In Hair Products

Sam Macdonald Hair - Wembley Downs City Beach Scarboroguh Trigg North Beach Sorrento Karinyup Carine Duncraig

We have all heard somewhere along the line that sulfates in hair products are bad for us, but does anyone actually know why?⁣

First things first, what is it actually for?

⁣A sulfate will only be found in your shampoo, not your conditioner or any other hair product. ⁣

This is because its part of the cleansing part of washing your hair. Basically a sulfate is a detergent and as well as being found in a lot of shampoos, you will find it in many detergent based products around your home.⁣

Some companies love to say there are no sulfates in their conditioners, well of course there isn’t, conditioner doesn’t lather like shampoo!⁣

A sulfate will give you the big bubbles that we have come to assume means the shampoo is working. It allows oil and water to be mixed together and then rinsed from the hair leaving it squeaky clean.⁣

Different shampoos have various results on how the hair is left feeling. A shampoo for dry damaged hair should remove less of the oil that one designed for oily hair.⁣

Do we have to have a sulfate in a shampoo? No, though sulfate free shampoos don’t usually lather as well.⁣

There has been some unfounded controversy surrounding sulfates over the last few years. Many studies have been done since then, to disprove possible side effects.⁣

Some people will have an allergy to sulfates which will cause them a little itchiness when they use it. This is most often the case with people with sensitive skin and skin conditions such as eczema or contact dermatitis.⁣

These condition’s can also come from many other sources not only the products being used. For example a great deal of people have a dairy intolerance, which can show up in a similar fashion.⁣

So to summarise, the use of sulfates is not life threatening. However it can cause some discomfort in some people. ⁣

You don’t need to be using a shampoo with a sulfate in it. You can use a sulfate free shampoo though it probably won’t later as much though it still cleanse your hair and scalp the same.⁣

Oh and by the way, if you want to be sulfate free, you better chuck out your toothpaste because it in there as well. ?

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.

My Year Off Part Two Alcohol

My Year Off Part Two Alcohol

Sam Macdonald Hair - Wembley Downs City Beach Scarboroguh Trigg North Beach Sorrento Karinyup Carine Duncraig

My Year Off – Part Two Alcohol

Hey there you unbelievers, I did it!⁣⁣

Well almost, I did cheat twice, with a total of three glasses of red wine (450ml).⁣⁣

The month started three days before the 1st of February though so perhaps it evens out somehow? What do you think?⁣⁣

First week was easy, It was only when I got home on Saturday afternoon that I had a pang for a glass but it dissipated after 10minutes and I was fine. Saw a show at fringe and I drove home, (can totally get used to the driving thing).⁣⁣

Second week is where I fell down. We went to Elizabeth Quay before going to Boorna Waanginy at Kings Park. It was so beautiful at night that I had one glass of Sangiovese with my hubby whilst sitting at The Reveley. Honestly, I didn’t even enjoy it or finish the glass.⁣⁣

The next night I had 2 glasses at home which I thoroughly enjoyed. That is until the after taste kicked in and I just felt exhausted and wanted to sleep.⁣⁣

Third weekend I simply didn’t miss it at all. We went to Dali At Night for Fringe and out to dinner with friends. They were all drinking and I had a fab time on my soda water.⁣⁣

Fourth weekend was same as the third, happy with my soda water and lime juice.⁣⁣

Conclusion is that my relationship with alcohol has changed forever.

The bonus’s are:⁣⁣

⁣⁣- more energy⁣⁣

– less headaches⁣⁣

⁣⁣- sleep is soooo much better⁣⁣

⁣⁣- the bags under my eyes are smaller⁣⁣

⁣⁣- there is more money than usual in my spending account

⁣⁣- my Carpal Tunnel syndrome is no where near as bad because of reduced inflammation.⁣⁣

⁣⁣- The amount of energy I have at the end of the week feels amazing, instead of dying in a heap on a Saturday night.⁣⁣

– With all this extra energy, I’ve been exercising and can actually see a hint of a muscle ?⁣⁣

⁣The negatives:⁣⁣

Hmmm, crickets…⁣  ?

⁣I also read a fabulous book called The Naked Mind, Control Alcohol, written by Annie Grace.⁣⁣

⁣This is a book I highly recommend, even if you don’t think you have an issue with alcohol. ⁣⁣

⁣It shines the light from a different angle.⁣⁣

Am I giving up grog forever?⁣⁣

⁣⁣No, not for now anyway but I have to say that this month has had a huge impact on almost every area of my life and I’m super proud of myself.⁣⁣


If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.



Skin | Sam Macdonald Hair | Hairdresser Trigg Karinyup Scarborough City Beach Sorrento Scarborough Wembley Downs Carine Duncraig

Skin on and beneath your scalp is where your hair begins. A healthy scalp, means healthy hair.

The skin has 3 main layers, (there are many layers within these layers, but we’re keeping this simple):

The epidermis:

This is the outside part, the part you can touch. This layer provides a waterproof protection and barrier.

The dermis:

This is found beneath the epidermis and contains connective tissue, hair follicles and sweat glands.

The hypodermis:

This is below these first two layers and contains connective tissue and fat.

Within hairdressing and beauty, we generally pay attention to the first of these two, the epidermis and the dermis.

The skin begins inside your body and slowly pushes out to the outside of your body. It then flakes and falls off. This means that your dermis, becomes your epidermis as it works through the body.

This process takes 27-28 days. This means the skin you feel now, is at the end of its life cycle.

Get to the point already right, whats this got to do with hair?

Because our skin is constantly shedding in this way, when it comes to our hair we need to give it a bit of a hand.

On our body’s it can just fall off. Sometimes we need to give it a bit of an exfoliate if we’re under moisturised, but generally it can will look after itself.

With our scalp however, the skin can get caught in the hair and cause a few different issues. Things like dandruff and itchiness can simply be there because we haven’t helped our bodies to remove these dead skin cells.

Think about the exfoliation of our skin, using scrub gloves or body/face scrubs. We can do the same thing by scrubbing our scalp, whilst shampooing or even just with water or conditioner, if shampoo is not your thing.

Once we have dislodged this skin, our scalps can breath again and often the sensitivities will disappear, at least on a health scalp. Things like Psoriasis and dermatitis are a different thing entirely.

As always, I’m not a doctor, I simply have an interest in all things hair and scalp. Always make your own mind up and seek medical advice when needed.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Photo courtesy of Pexel & @daria.shevtsova

If you’d like to book an appointment to give your hair or scalp some love. I’d be happy to talk through it’s current condition as part of your initial consultation. All the details to make a booking can be found here.